Being loud just to be loud is easy. It’s been easy for years. Turning up the volume without causing listener fatigue – that’s the real challenge. NEW X3 technology inside our AirAura delivers that sought-after loudness without ever sounding harsh, clipped, distorted or overdone. It simply sounds real.
NEW AirAura X3: Louder and Clearer
The NEW AirAura X3 spectral audio processor for FM is equipped with processing technologies that simply didn’t exist until now, starting with a new final clipper that creates extremely competitive loudness while also minimizing listener fatigue. Another new technology unique to our NEW third-generation AirAura helps extend perceived stereo coverage, and yet another technology helps hide the annoying coding artifacts that might be present in a station’s stereo source material.
AirAura Features
- New final clipping technology – very clean and very loud – simultaneously
- New Five-band AGC with Sweet Spot Technology tuning capabilities
- New codec artifact reduction algorithm helps tame coded stereo source material
- New 31-band limiter algorithms
- New left/right analog output routing for FM and HD processing
- New equalizer offers both parametric and Baxandall-style shelving EQ
- New bass management system with enhanced tuning features
- New high performance stereo generator with DSB and two SSB encoding methods
- New Guru GUI tuning capabilities
- New advanced analysis features for displaying internal and external signals
- New comprehensive security features designed for mixed-use sites
- New post-processed loudness analysis conforms to BS-1770-S standards
- New preset storage for up to 160 processing presets
- Analog, digital and WheatNet-IP audio I/O with automatic ‘failback to primary’
- Exclusive stereo multipath controller technology for enhanced stereo reception
- WheatNet-IP compatible
- Remote processor control via wired Ethernet or integrated Wi-Fi connectivity
- Specialized audio analysis functions for input or processed audio include:
- 1,024 point FFT
- Oscilloscope
- Energy versus Frequency
- 3-D plot of spectral content vs. time
- Spectral Dynamic Range (a Vorsis exclusive)
- Display of AirAura’s clipper distortion masking activity